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Page history last edited by Patricia McGee 15 years, 9 months ago

McGee's PowerPoint™


CASE: Your own materials -OR- Introduction to Environmental Studies Syllabus (Provided).


ACTIVITY 1: Review Case syllabus and enter what information you can identify. (Handout - The A in ADDIE: Analysis)


  1. Who are students? undergraduates, Students who need to complete Gen. Edit requirements,
  2. What is the nature of the course? 100 level survey, interdiscipliinary, science
  3. What is currently being done? ftf, reading assignments, oral presentations, participation is evaluated
  4. What pedagogical frameworks are being used? lecture,
  5. What contextual factors impact design? oral presentations may be problem online, video? wikis? need to go to campus? bandwidth, campus, older adults who may not be savvy about technology, not required attendence?
  6. What information is missing? Where/how can you get more information? (Handout: Needs Assessment)


ACTIVITY 2: What are implications of the learning context? (Provided Case Context Cards)


ACTIVITY 3: What are the course goals? Enter one goal in one cell under the Logic Map "Goals" column. (Handout: Goals Worksheet and Organizing the Analysis: Logic Map)


NOTE: When you are ready to write,  announce to the group so that another group does not overwrite your entry.


To add another row, place your cursor in the lower right hand cell of the table and hit 'tab.'


Objective(s)  ▾ Tasks* Infrastructure* Assesment Measure*

 * completed during design phase.


ACTIVTY 4: What are the objectives? Using any style of writing an objective add at least one obective per goal to Logic Map above.


For example:

Who (optional – helpful when objectives are written for groups)

Each team member…

Under what context (what they need to have in order to complete the objective)

Given their assigned artist, PPT™, and  Voicethread™…

Behavior (what will they actually do?)

 Will prepare and deliver a presentation


4.    Conditions of performance (How much, how well)

    That clearly articulates the artist’s style, includes at least 10 slides with 5 illustrations, and has a supporting voiceover


ACTIVITY 5: What should be considered about the learner? Consider your experience with similar learners as you respond to the following. (Handout: Student Avatars)


(1) Identify learner similarities. What are implications for design?


(2) Identify learner differences. What are the implications for design?


(3) What type of instruction tasks and infrastructure is needed to support these learners?


ACTIVITY 6: What should be considered about the discipline and instructor? (Handouts: The Nature of Disciplines: Teaching, Learning, & Technology and Faculty Avatars) List supports, instructional needs and designs and other factors that will be required for the course.

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