
Online Course Showcase

Page history last edited by Veronica Diaz, PhD 16 years, 1 month ago


Online Course Showcase – Veronica Diaz (TH, 12/4, 1:30-3:00p)

What are some examples of online courses? This session will showcase examples of online courses in course management systems. Examples will highlight collaboration, active learning, diversity of instructional content and strategies, and accountability of student performance. A rubric will be used to assist in identifying best practices, useful ideas, and changes that participants might make to showcased courses. Whole course alignment principles and strategies of successful redesign will also be discussed.



PowerPoint Presentation (ppt)

Online Course Review Rubric (doc) 

Online Course Evaluation Resources Page (wiki page) 

Online Course Examples (wiki page)

Quality Matters (website)








1.      Overview of necessary components that should be present in an online course: course overview and introduction, learning objectives/competencies, assessment and measurement, resources and materials, learner interaction, course technology, learner support, and accessibility.






2.     Introduction of rubric to be used in reviewing courses

a.     Rubric will include all components above and a section to note identified best practices, useful ideas or techniques, and suggested changes




Example of how to use the rubric in a selected course


Activity: Participants review courses from wiki (30 minutes)


 Activity: Participants report out (20 minutes)

Online Course Evaluation Resources Page (wiki page) 


Online Course Examples (wiki page) 


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