Instructional Design Strategies for Online Courses – Alisa Cooper (M, 8/2, 3-4:30p)
Once participants have identified and articulated goals and objectives, the next step is to use some specific design strategies that may be employed in the online course design process:
• Mapping the course: How to organize the design process for the redesign team and the faculty member
• Starting with what you’re given: Evaluating, redesigning, and using objectives
• Chunking the course: Making redesign manageable and forming modules
• Bloom’s Taxonomy: How learning technologies enhance an online course
Instructional Design Strategies for Online Course.pptx
from Dr.Aifang Wang Gordon,Instructional Designer - Writing Learning Objectives (included Bloom's Action Words)
Instructional Design Strategies Handouts (doc)
Course re(Design) Resources Page (wiki page)
Using Bloom’s Taxonomy for Objective Development (doc)
Bloom's Digital Taxonomy (website)
National Center for Academic Transformation: 5 Steps to Successful Course Redesign (pdf)
1. Creation or conversion, creating a course from scratch or converting a course from another delivery format
a. Possible components of a course (i.e., lectures, readings, assessments, cases, projects, assignments, activities, writings, discussions, demonstrations, multimedia, research)
2. Objectives
a. To design a module and to understand the steps in doing so
b. To learn to use tools to convert into or create a blended course
c. Continue with the module design process
d. Describe instructional design techniques used to organize content
Activity: Begin drafting objectives and Bloom’s level addressed using provided syllabus or other of your own materials; look at objectives generally (10 mins)
Using Bloom’s Taxonomy for Objective Development (doc)
Mapping your Course for for Online Delivery
3. Designing your course for online delivery
a. 5 principles of successful course redesign
b. Examples of before and after components of redesigned courses
c. Mapping your course
i. 4 basic redesign steps
ii. Identifying objectives
iii. Supporting objectives with technology, assessment, and active learning
iv. Modules and course organization
Activity: mapping your course (20 mins)
Designing a Course for Online Delivery
5 Principles of Successful Course Redesign
Sample F2F Syllabus: Research Methods
Example of a Face to Face Module for Fair Use in Online Educational Environments Course
Module: Identifying a topic for the research proposal and writing a hypothesis and research questions
What the Instructor Does
What the Learner Does
- · Use the form to conduct a thorough four-factor review of a proposed use of fair use.
Review the Four Factors of Fair Use; provide students with various online resources related to fair use; demonstrate use of the tool (form).
Read the four factors of fair use; investigate examples of fair use; use the form to conduct a thorough four-factor review of a proposed use of fair use.
Review the basics of who owns what; Demonstrate the process undertaken in analyzing copyright ownership of materials; provide a checklist.
Read various articles copyright; begin to identify criteria for copyright ownership of materials; identify variables to be used in their analysis; analyze copyright ownership of a select piece of course material.
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